Moo0 MultiDesktop is a handy application that allows you to have up to four different desktops at the same time. The application is perfect to organize various tasks in different desktops, and also to hide things from others. You are even allowed to select a wallpaper for each one of them. You can switch the desktops using the bar or you can even hide the bar and use specific hotkeys. This last option is great if you don't want others to know that you use multiple desktops. What is more, the program provides specific hotkeys to change between desktops, and to show and hide them. Unfortunately, these hotkeys are not customizable, but they are pretty easy to remember. For example, you can use Ctrl+Up and Down to hide or show the desktops. The application offers different skins and multiple languages to choose from. You can even adjust the transparency level and select whether or not you wish to start the program on system boot.
In short, Moo0 MultiDesktop is a very simple and handy application that allows you to use four desktops at the same time.